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About the service

The next generation of multimedia presentation for B2B and B2C

We will help you present your product efficiently, effectively and at a high level. We develop high-tech presentation solutions so that you can stand out in a competitive environment and draw attention to your product.


Large-scale concerts


Business events


Automobile presentations


Multimedia performances


In the business world and in the society among people, products and services continue to be met by clothes. Therefore, it is very important to present yourself in a favorable light.



Unique, creative materials designed in storytelling format to increase the impact on the audience.



Show the strengths of the company or brand, call for cooperation.



Describe a particular service or product, encourage a potential customer to buy.



Show the strengths of the company or brand, call for cooperation.


A single format is not applicable to the definition of presentation solutions. For a specific purpose and for each event, we create an individual project. By areas of use, presentations can be:

Virtual Production

The first virtual production system in Kazakhstan is a set of innovative tools for shooting films, advertising, video clips, online presentations and concerts against the backdrop of digital scenery. This technology allows you to display and edit the three-dimensional environment and visual effects in real time.

Multimedia performance

The success of an event largely depends on its effective start. The opening of a company or the launch of a new product on the market is an important event for manufacturers and buyers. The multimedia performance will amaze your guests. You will make the emphasis on the benefits of the product spectacular and memorable. Artists' performances will be harmoniously integrated into digital technologies: light, laser, projection, interactive and holographic. They will logically complement each other.


We create 3D mapping - high-tech and at the same time creative projection shows. We project a three-dimensional image onto any static surface, decorate even moving objects, such as a car. The technology allows you to achieve excellent results - volumes and the effect of presence.

Holographic show

Holographic projection has great potential and offers an excellent field for creative experiments. From a small format presentation installation to a show world level. The technology allows the image to appear on an invisible plane in space, riveting the viewer's attention and creating a WOW effect. This technology can combine live choreography and objects into a projection, make performers levitate, disappear, teleport and instantly appear on stage. Holography will make your presentation or show technological and memorable.

VR presentations

The most effective way to present a company or property is to take a tour so that visitors can see everything with their own eyes. We will create the effect of complete immersion in the company's activities: you will walk around the office, get to know the employees, look at the production. Or sit behind the wheel of a car, smell the leather seats and hear the roar of the engine. Virtual reality transfers in time and space with the help of special devices - helmets, gloves, headphones. And the suits are inverted kinematics will allow you to feel events from the virtual world on your body.

AR presentations

We will recreate the construction object in three-dimensional space to the smallest detail, we will focus on the merits so that investors appreciate the profitability of investments, and sales soar to 80% even before construction begins.

Video presentations

We quickly and clearly present any information with the help of the right script and effective computer graphics. More recently, special effects and animation were the analogue of high-budget projects. Now everything is much more accessible and easier. Decorating video with graphics, embellishing titles and presentations is now the norm of business etiquette when creating any commercial video.

3D OOH контент

3D OOH video content for LED screens is a service for creating 3D video content for use on high-quality LED screens for advertising purposes. The technology allows you to create a unique, more realistic and engaging content. An image with depth gives feeling of direct presence and immersion. media format has incorporated the best from the world of offline and online.

Лазерное шоу

Кинетическое шоу

Презентация с дополненной реальностью

Цифровой аватар

Интро шоу

3D перезентация


Our work in this direction

Our process

Our company implements a project approach to production. Developing a creative concept, selecting the necessary equipment, creating video content and providing technical support during the event.

Creativity and high technology are waiting for you

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